UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

How do fathers of young children achieve parental satisfaction? : investigating the relationship of father involvement and father identity with parental satisfaction McPherson, Todd


Father identity has traditionally been defined by the breadwinner role, yet fathers are being called upon to be more involved in other roles of fathering. The present study investigated whether involvement in any of the nine common father roles affects parental satisfaction, or whether the congruence between father identity and father involvement determines parental satisfaction. Fathers of children aged two to six years old (n=116) were recruited via email to complete an online questionnaire with measures of father identity, father involvement, and parental satisfaction. Results suggested that nurturing involvement is associated with satisfaction. A relationship between overall identity-involvement congruence was established with parental satisfaction, though not at a statistically significant level. Several relationships were established between father involvement and other variables. Possible explanations for the findings are discussed.

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