UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The distributions of dissolved and suspended vanadium in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia Moody, Willson Bridges


This study investigated the distribution of dissolved and suspended vanadium in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, and the possible effects of scavenging by hydrous manganese and iron oxides. Water samples were collected from September 1973 to July 1974 and were tested for salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, dissolved and suspended vanadium, suspended manganese and suspended iron. A technique involving ion exchange to isolate vanadium followed by a catalytic colorimetric determination was developed and applied to the dissolved and suspended vanadium analyses. The data showed that, during the fall of 1973 and again in July 1974, there were positive correlations between the suspended vanadium and suspended manganese distributions, suggesting that vanadium was being scavenged by the manganese oxides during these periods. No such correlation was found between the suspended vanadium and suspended iron distributions. The anoxic deep waters generally contained less dissolved vanadium than the oxygenated waters above sill depth. This deficiency in the deep waters may have been due to co-precipitation with ferrous sulphides or adsorption by detrital silicate or organic particles.

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