UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Open systems interconnection passive monitor OSI-PM Lo, Jeffrey Kin Hung


The Open Systems Interconnection Passive Monitor (OSI-PM), which is based on the principles of the OSI-Reference Model (OSI-RM), provides a framework for the development of multi-layer passive monitoring and testing. It adopts the same seven-layer architecture of the OSI-RM and provides the capability of selectively displaying, capturing, and analyzing the protocol events on single or multiple connections for any subset or all of the seven layers. Different from conventional monitors, the OSI-PM is able to detect protocol violation as they occur in addition to the monitoring functions. The current OSI-PM is able to monitor and test up to the transport layer of the OSI-RM. This thesis discusses the design, prototype implementation and testing of the OSI-PM.

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