UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Conformance testing of OSI protocols : the class O transport protocol as an example Kou, Tian


This thesis addresses the problem of conformance testing of communication protocol implementations. Test sequence generation techniques for finite state machines (FSM) have been developed to solve the problem of high costs of an exhaustive test. These techniques also guarantee a complete coverage of an implementation in terms of state transitions and output functions, and therefore provide a sound test of the implementation under test. In this thesis, we have modified and applied three test sequence generation techniques on the class 0 transport protocol. A local tester and executable test sequences for the ISO class 0 transport protocol have been developed on a portable protocol tester to demonstrate the practicality of the test methods and test methodologies. The local test is achieved by an upper tester residing on top of the implementation under test (IUT) and a lower tester residing at the bottom of the IUT. Tests are designed based on the state diagram of an IUT. Some methodologies of parameter variations have also been used to test primitive parameters of the implementation. Some problems encountered during the implementation of the testers and how they are resolved are also discussed in the thesis.

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