UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Cloth parameters and motion capture Pritchard, David


Recent years have seen an increased interest in cloth simulation. There has been little analysis, however, of the parameters controlling simulation behaviour. In this thesis, we present two primary contributions. First, we discuss a series of experiments investigating the influence of the parameters of a popular cloth simulation algorithm. Second, we present a system for motion capture of deformable surfaces, most notably moving cloth, including both geometry and parameterisation. This data could subsequently be used for the recovery of cloth simulator parameters. In our motion capture system, we recover geometry using stereo correspondence, and use the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) to identify an arbitrary pattern printed on the cloth, even in the presence of fast motion. We describe a novel seedand- grow approach to adapt the SIFT algorithm to deformable geometry. Finally, we interpolate feature points to parameterise the complete geometry.

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