UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Agent-based network management system Luo, Huawen


Contemporary network management systems as represented by Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP) are based on the client-server centralized paradigm which may lead to inefficiency when the managed networks are large in scale. Mobile Agent(MA) as an approach has been investigated by many researchers. MA can be used to alleviate the manager workload and reduce the bandwidth usage by delegation of authority from manager to MA. MA could also be instantly customized by user's requirement. It can be launched from the manager, visiting each network element according to the itinerary table, computing and compressing the management data locally, only returning the result back to the network manager. There are several benefits: distribution of management workload; adaptability and flexibility; programmability and customization. A mobile agent based network management system has been implemented using the JADE agent platform. The network element's status monitoring platform is supported and several performance management applications are implemented using mobile agent, such as SNMP table filtering, global filtering. Issues related to security and scalability are also discussed.

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