UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The Relation between workability and viscosity of freshly mixed concrete Yang, Li


This paper describes how the author studied the "workability" of freshly mixed concrete. Workability is a very important and necessary property which forms part of the specifications for concrete but its meaning is rather vague. Concrete is usually required to have a certain slump or flow, as determined in a standard manner, with standard apparatus, but the readings obtained are comparative only and have no absolute value. The question which the author asks and tries to answer is, can we treat freshly mixed concrete as a fluid and measure its absolute viscosity and if so how are slump and flow etc. related to it? What does slump and flow really mean in terms of absolute units? An apparatus was developed which does measure a quantity similar to viscosity and values were obtained for nine different mixes. Readings were however obtained at only one velocity so that the non-Newtonian behaviour of the concrete was not investigated.

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