UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A study of artificial destratification of fresh water lakes Ritchie, John Clarke Weldon


The water quality characteristics of various lake classifications are discussed and are related to the natural physical and biological development of lakes. The impact of human activity on this natural trend is considered. The results of an extensive literature search are presented, discussing seasonal variations in water quality in fresh water lakes. Methods of altering water quality are outlined, with particular emphasis on the artificial elimination of summer thermal stratification. Results of observations made of Osoyoos Lake during the summers of 1969 and 1970 are presented. Tests of an aeration installation in the lake are reported and discussed. Laboratory investigations into the mechanisms of destratification are described. Simulation of thermal stratification was achieved through the use of a fresh water-salt water system. Three destratification devices were tested under various stratification conditions and their energy requirements are compared. Discussion of the results includes some comments on the reliability of stability and energy criteria for the evaluation of such devices.

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