UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The shear capacity of reinforced concrete beam - column connections Peter, Bruce Gregor William


This thesis is to determine the shear capacity of a reinforced concrete beam column connection at zero moment. The joint under study is formed by casting the beam against a smooth column face with the top and bottom reinforcing bars projecting through the joint and no key or surface roughening provided. The variables considered are the size of reinforcing bars and the distance to the first beam stirrup. The strength of the joint is broken down into components of a) top dowels b) bottom dowels and c) interface bond and friction. The components and the entire joint strength are investigated theoretically and experimentally. Comparisons of both theoretical and experimental results are compared and show that the strength of the joint can be predicted from the sum of the top and bottom dowel strengths. The strength of this beam column connection is shown to provide adequate strength and a method is suggested for calculating the shear capacity of the joint.

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