UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Preservice early childhood educator perspectives of educator relations with primary caregivers : a survey study Vese, Etovre


There is little research about the functional creation and maintenance of effective family and childcare relationships and less about PSECE perspectives on educator relations with primary caregivers. Little is known about what PSECE think about their future work with primary caregivers and how they come to have these perspectives, which may eventually be the basis for their practice with primary caregivers. In light of this context, this exploratory study utilized a survey to gather the views of public post-secondary Preservice Early Childhood Education students (PSECEs) (N=111) in Vancouver, B.C., concerning their perspectives on educator relations with primary caregivers. An analysis of the survey data using SPSS statistical software showed that most participants were born outside Canada. The participants' perspectives on educator relations with primary caregivers mostly aligned with traditional educator-focused interactions. The participants indicated that the Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) they learned in their Early Childhood Education (ECE) coursework significantly influenced their perspectives on educator relationships with primary caregivers. Understanding these perspectives contributes to refining a curriculum that supports PSECEs in developing the attitudes and skills necessary to create and maintain supportive relationships with primary caregivers, fostering optimal outcomes for children in childcare settings.

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