UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Lateral resistance of new mid-ply shear wall (MPSW2) connections – performance of different materials Xiang, Liuzhen


This research study focuses on the experimental testing and modeling of nail connections in Mid-ply 2 shear wall (MPSW2) systems with the objective to understand the lateral resistance of these connections and develop reliable models for further analysis. The research includes monotonic and reversed cyclic loading tests with loading directions parallel to the grain, specific gravity, and moisture content tests, as well as nail bending tests. These evaluations aim to assess the mechanical performance of the connections, encompassing peak load, stiffness, and ductility. The test results indicated the failure mode was dominated by dowel bearing failures of the OSB sheathing and not the classical nail withdrawal failures observed in traditional light wood frame shear walls. The load-slip data was fitted to load-slip equations (Foschi, 1974) and a mechanic-based load-slip model, HYST algorithm (Foschi, 2000). The results demonstrate that the fitted load-slip equation and the calibrated HYST model effectively capture the monotonic and reversed cyclic backbone load-slip behaviour of the connections. The information can serve as input parameters for sophisticated numerical structural analysis models to predict and model the lateral resistance performance of MPSW2 systems and buildings. The findings from this thesis can be applied in future MPSW2 connection and wall studies to enhance their practical applications.

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