UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Spiritual growth : the unapologetic nude Schmode, Jessie Emilie


This supporting paper investigates the process and outcomes of my collection of paintings for my thesis exhibition Spiritual Growth: The Unapologetic Nude at the Lake Country Art Gallery. My MFA thesis exhibition and research paper investigate personal trauma with religious teachings about women’s virginity and modesty that restrict women’s autonomy and rights. It also investigates female portraiture and the female nude in art and art history, seeking to reclaim and reinterpret this subject matter from the male gaze with a female lens, inspired by feminist theories, the healing embrace of nature (Biophilia), and the beauty found in life’s imperfections (Wabi-sabi). Reflecting on the therapeutic process of art-making, my main objective for this research paper is to acknowledge the visual symbolism and supporting context that emerged from unexpected and overlapping research and studio research that I considered while developing my thesis. My creative practice is always growing and changing with my experiences and influences, such as incorporating more nature into my work to showcase my spiritual growth.

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