UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A hybrid cubic-tetrahedral voxel modeling method for enhanced computational efficiency Peng, Xuze


This thesis presents a novel voxel representation that employs tetrahedron as its basic voxel elements. The modeling method is intended to achieve high computational efficiency while maintaining reasonable modeling accuracy. The modeling method is developed on the basis of the traditional cubic voxel by dividing it into 40 tetrahedrons to provide sub-voxel accuracy. Thus, to achieve a desired level of accuracy, the modeling method requires a low resolution. To enhance its modeling efficiency, a tetrahedron-based lookup table is derived to cover all the possible tetrahedral decomposition shapes in a cubic voxel. The use of a lookup table avoids complicated geometric calculations, resulting in a fast modeling process. Furthermore, each voxel is assigned a signed distance field and a control scheme that allows morphing of the tetrahedron shapes into the target input model, which leads to a higher level of accuracy. Various legacy geometry models are tested with the developed tetrahedron-based voxel model. Acquired modeling times are compared with the traditional cubic voxel multi-level method. As both modeling methods achieve similar levels of accuracy, the tetrahedron-based method shows an up to four times improvement in modeling time. This level of computational efficiency obtained makes it a suitable candidate for modeling scenarios involving frequent model updates.

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