UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Gender, violence and all-consuming imperialism : staging Shakespeare’s Coriolanus in the round with an all-woman/non-binary cast Mathivanan, Tanya


In this thesis, I will analyze, interrogate, and reflect upon my directorial process for Shakespeare’s Coriolanus. This production ran from March 30th 2022, to April 2, 2022 at the Telus Studio Theatre in the Chan Centre for Performing Arts. Chapter 1-3 of this document details my script analysis, vision, design process and rehearsal process. These chapters illustrate my personal deep dive into the play that informed my vision, my collaborations with the designers to come up with a cohesive design, as well as my work with the actors to rehearse and stage this play. Chapter 4 specifically focuses on the Prologue, its purpose, and how my team and I went about crafting it. Chapter 5 is a final reflection on the whole process, my thoughts about the end product, and the lessons that I learnt from it.

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