UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Team harmony before, during, and after COVID-19 Heyl, Noa


This work looks at the team harmony experience of pairs in CPSC 310 a large ( ̃300 person) third-year Software Engineering class. For the last seven semesters we asked students to regularly report their sense of equity relating to their contributions to group discussions, influence over task assignments, and overall contributions to their course project development. We examine responses from four periods: prior to COVID-19, during the transitional period as restrictions were applied due to COVID-19, during COVID-19, and after the acute COVID-19 period had ended and restrictions were lifted. Overall, we saw that students experienced a decrease in team harmony during the transition to lockdown, that harmony recovered in subsequent semesters, with some measures gradually trending worse over time in the post-pandemic period (once the restrictions were lifted).

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