UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Automation of a broadband infrared hyperspectroscopy apparatus McNeil, Robyn


The purpose of this study was to improve upon the design of a high-spatial-resolution broadband hyperspectroscopy system primarily by building a full-stack automation software. This apparatus provides optical heating to a sample and collects the resulting incandescent image of the surface with a high spacial resolution using a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. The function of each component of the system was reviewed including the incident beam and associated focusing optics, the vacuum chamber and sample mounting platform, the infrared image collection optics and the FTIR spectrometer which detects the signal. The Gaussian optics physics which dictate the incident excitation beam were reviewed and applied to a Zemax Opticstudio [1] simulation which demonstrated the alignment constraints and function of each optical component. A similar Opticstudio simulation was constructed to define the outgoing signal, and an alignment procedure was derived and demonstrated for both the incoming and outgoing signal. The function and configuration of the FTIR spectrometer was reviewed and a Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of the entire system was built in Solidworks [2]. A full-stack automation software called HypIR was built which included a back-end written in C to facilitate device coordination and control, a front-end written with the Tkinter Python library [3] to facilitate user interface and an SQL database [4] to maintain all experimental parameters. A simulated Infrared (IR) image was produced using a high intensity fibre light source which was directed through the optics and the spectrometer to produce hyperspectra via the HypIR software. A post-processing procedure was constructed which fits the data to blackbody radiation to extract a temperature map, confirming the functionality of the software. This software and process can be used in the future to more effectively and efficiently collect hyperspectra, which will provide the data needed to understand novel thermal emission behaviour in materials.

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