UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Achieving the capacities of channels with erasures using nested linear/lattice codes Rahman, Saifur


Since the breakthrough of Shannon's classical work on information theory there has been exhaustive research on the achievability proofs for the random i.i.d codes. The drawback of such codes is that they admit little or no structure. Practical codes are preferred to be structured, while ensuring reliability. Structured codes, such as linear and lattice codes are such codes of practical interest as they exhibit rich geometric structure. However, the achievable rate achieved by specific structured codes (nested linear and nested lattice codes) in communication channel subjected to erasures has not been studied yet. We address this problem and provide achievability proofs for two common communication channel types, the DMC and AWGN channel with erasure, while using structured codes. We show that nested linear/lattice codes approach the capacities of these channels.

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