UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Indigitalized : traditional Métis artistic expression in contemporary media art Corbett, Jon Michael Robert


This thesis examines a re-indigenizing process facilitated through traditional and computer-based media artistic expressive forms. My recent discovery of my Canadian Indigenous ancestry has brought me to investigate how my identity as a contemporary artist has been impacted by my exploration of Indigenous forms of expression that were lost to me due to my grandmother’s assimilation to a homogenized Canadian ideal. I examined the relationships between my contemporary artistic practice and Indigenous perspectives to develop an exhibition of work that bridged computer-based media and traditional Métis beading practice. My artistic influences and a descriptive account of my current artistic practices is synthesised with my new Indigenous knowledge of identity and expression, which not only produced several works of art, but also generated new programmatic methodologies and a computer-based media toolkit that can aid Indigenous artists with developing computer and media based art projects.

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