UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification of subalpine and alpine plant communities in the Cariboo Mountains. Osorio, Federico G.


Terrestrial ecosystems in British Columbia are cataloged using the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC). My research is a continuation of the BEC program, specifically aimed at classifying high-elevation ecosystems (alpine and subalpine) of the western Cariboo Mountains of British Columbia. I’ve included a literature review describing the factors that contribute to the formation of high-elevation plant communities. My results include: five new site series for the Interior Mountain Heather wet cold alpine subzone; b) seven new site series for the Engelmann Spruce Subalpine Fir wet cold parkland subzone; c) two plant orders (one not previously described); d) 5 alliances (2 not previously described), and 19 plant associations (17 not previously described). These results contribute to the description of Site Associations, Site Orders and Site Alliances for the provincial Alpine classification. To develop the classification, I explored the interaction of vegetation with topographic and edaphic variables, and followed phytosociology methods to develop the nomenclature for the plant communities

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