UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Synthesis of reliability and validation practices used with the Rosenberg self-esteem scale Villalobos Coronel, Mauricio


The Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSES) is a commonly used measure, cited over 3,000 times in the past five years. The aim of this study was to produce a synthesis of the available sources of reliability and validity evidence for the RSES as classified by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA & NCME, 2014). Despite the popularity of the RSES, only 27 articles have examined reliability and validity evidence for the scale. This study showed that the most prevalent source of reliability is based on internal consistency and the most prevalent validity evidence is based on internal structure, followed by relations to other variables. The latter source of evidence primarily consisted of convergent validity evidence. Evidence based on response processes is seldom examined and no studies examined validity evidence based on content or consequences of testing. When examining reliability, internal structure, and relations to other variables, studies tended to overlook the implications of the order in which these factors are studied. There is also a need for researchers to clearly state assumptions and criteria to interpret findings as well as more clarity in the reporting of results. The implications of these findings for researchers interested in the use of the RSES and for measurement experts will be discussed.

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