UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A minimally-invasive MEMS drug delivery device for the treatment of prostate cancer Zachkani, Payam


We have developed a cylindrical shape magnetically-actuated MEMS drug delivery device for localized prostate cancer treatment. The device is small enough for implantation through a needle with minimally invasive procedures with potentially fewer side effects compared with full prostate removal. This method of implantation will be similar to brachytherapy, a standard procedure to implant radioactive seeds inside the prostate through a needle. The drug delivery device consists of a drug reservoir, a PDMS membrane, a magnetic block and housing. Docetaxel (DTX), an anti-proliferative drug, is deposited in the reservoir in solid form. The reservoir is then filled with fluids to form a saturated drug solution. When an external magnetic field is applied, it attracts the magnetic block towards the positive field gradient and causes the membrane to deflect. As a result, DTX is discharged from the reservoir, through a laser-drilled aperture on the membrane and into the housing. The housing has a 10 mm long opening which allows the released drug to diffuse to the surrounding tissues while it would prevent the tissues from touching the thin membrane. We have achieved a 1.8 fold increase of the actuating distance and a 3.6 fold increase in the magnetic force compared to the state-of-the-art magnetically-actuated drug delivery devices under the same actuation parameters. We have also demonstrated device implantation with a needle into swine bladder tissue and successful drug release of the device in the tissue.

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