UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Application-based packet routing in vehicular networks Kaveh, Shafiee


A wide range of vehicular applications require packet routing mechanisms and protocols for efficient, reliable and robust delivery of data packets over vehicles, from a single source or from multiple sources to either a specific destination or multiple destinations in a specific region. All vehicular applications, e.g., non-safety applications and safety applications, have their own specific challenges, considerations and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements which are different from those of other vehicular applications. Hence, we believe that the design of packet routing mechanisms and protocols for each vehicular application should be application-specific. In non-safety applications, to access the backhaul network through the infrastructure on the roadside, so-called Road-side Units (RSUs), since many parts of the network may not be directly covered by RSUs, appropriate routing protocols need to be designed and employed. In this thesis, we developed a single-technology routing protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), Connectivity-aware Minimum-delay Geographic Routing (CMGR), which adapts well to continuously changing network status in such networks. As the next step we studied how packet routing mechanisms and protocols should be adapted to heterogeneous environments. In this regard, we developed optimal Vertical Hand-Off (VHO) strategies for vehicular heterogeneous networks when RSUs directly cover all parts of the vehicular network under study. Next, we turned our attention to the case where some parts of the network are not directly covered by any RSU and proposed a Hybrid Multi-Technology Routing (HMTR) protocol to consider different combinations of wireless technologies in intermediate hops when establishing routes from vehicular end-users to RSUs. In safety applications the notification of hazardous situations needs to be sent from the hazard-detecting vehicle to every other vehicle in the neighborhood, so-called data dissemination. Fully ad hoc data dissemination mechanisms have gained more acceptance due to their robustness and avoiding the excessive costs of infrastructure deployment and maintenance. In this regard, one of the main challenges is to overcome the packet delivery failures at intersections in the ad hoc manner. In this regard, we developed a fully ad hoc data dissemination mechanism, Enhanced Intersection-mode Data Dissemination (EIDD), which provides reliable packet delivery at intersections.

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