UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Further validation of a measure to assess school-wide positive behaviour support Hume, Amanda Elise


This study assessed aspects of construct validity of the School-wide Universal Behaviour Sustainability Index- School Teams (SUBSIST), a measure evaluating critical features of the school context related to sustainability of SWPBS systems. Two-hundred and seventeen schools were administered the measure. Construct validity of the measure was examined by determining whether SUBSIST scores were associated with features that are predictive of sustained SWPBS implementation, and whether the SUBSIST differentiated between different types of schools. First, analyses were performed to identify any differences in school features based on sustainability score. Results showed that higher sustainability scores were associated with increased frequency of school team meetings, presentation of SWPBS data to school staff, access to an external coach/consultant, and greater number of years sustaining SWPBS. Second, a two-step cluster analysis was performed to classify schools based on responses to the 39 SUBSIST items. A two cluster solution was obtained, with schools in one cluster (n = 139) obtaining significantly higher scores on SUBSIST items than schools in the other cluster (n = 78). The most critical item that contributed to cluster formation was use of data for decision making. These results are discussed with regard to previous and future research, limitations, and implications for sustaining SWPBS systems.

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