UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Excitation/emission spectroscopy with multi-channel imaging guidance for skin disease diagnosis Yu, Yingqiu


Skin cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer and early stage diagnosis plays an important role in improving the cure rate. This project is to investigate non-invasive techniques for skin disease diagnosis. Nonlinear Excitation-Emission-Matrix (EEM) spectroscopy is chosen as the core technique in the project, which provides us with biochemical and physiological information for skin tissue characterization. To assist the EEM analysis, multiple imaging channels acquire the image signal in real-time, simultaneously with EEM acquisition. The image-guided EEM provides a more comprehensive set of data containing both biochemical and morphological information of the constituents of skin tissue. A nonlinear EEM system is built by adding a spectroscopy detection path to a multimodality microscopy system. Software programs are custom designed to realize signal synchronization of system components, real-time image acquisition and processing, and EEM measurements. Calibrations and measurements of key parameters are carried out to ensure the accuracy of imaging-guided nonlinear EEM measurements. Preliminary experiments are carried out on purified endogenous skin fluorophores as well as normal and diseased human skin tissue sections. Nonlinear EEMs of normal and seborrheic keratosis skin tissues are compared. Preliminary results from the study demonstrate great potential of using the image-guided nonlinear EEM for skin diseases diagnosis.

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