UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Capturing A quirke experience : using collaborative video to explore community art program impacts Haggis, Callista Anne


This investigation provides insights into the significance of community art in community development through a case study investigation of the Queer, Imaging, and Riting, Kollective of Elders (Quirke). I use collaborative documentary video as both a method and a text to address two research aims. First, I explore Quirke members’ experiences as part of the Arts, Health, and Seniors Project. Second, I examine significant outcomes of using collaborative documentary video as a research and communication tool. I argue that individual and collective empowerment through building skills, interconnections, and confidence is of central significance to Quirke members’ experiences. I also argue that documentary video informed by a collaborative, structured process may produce mutually beneficial outcomes for researchers, participants, and program administrators. While this study is limited by its context specific nature, it nonetheless contributes to our collective understanding of community art programs and collaborative video.

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