UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Musical compositions by Matthew Philip Thompson Thompson, Matthew Philip


The thesis for the Master of Music degree in Composition consists of live performances of original works composed during graduate study. The student is expected to have written and have performed approximately an hour of music for various media. My compositions were performed on the following dates: Lacrimae (Bassoon and Harp) 28 January 2005, Melpomene's Gift (Flute and Piano) 16 April 2005, Saraband (String Quartet) 18 October 2005, My Pilgrimage (Women's Choir, SSAA) 17 March 2006, In the Locrian Mode (Harp) 9 November 2006, My Love Has Wings (Violin, Viola, Cello and Harp) 24 November 2006, For Love's Sake Only, Soprano (Violin, Viola, Cello and Harp) 30 March 2007, The Island's Daughter, The Way Through the Woods, The Song of Shadows (from Ghost Songs, Mezzo-Soprano and Harp) 3 April 2007, The Sitter Confirms His Portrait (2 Speakers and Piano) 19 November 2007, Timpanic Sketches (Timpani and Electro-Acoustic Recording) 13 April 2010.

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