UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The impact and implications of migrant workers on Karawang, West Java, Indonesia Doyon, Andréanne


The presence of the industrial estates and future development projects located in Karawang, West Java, Indonesia has had a deep impact on the local population. Those more educated or with previous work experience suited for industrial work have been able to benefit through employment in the industrial estates. Conversely, a large number of the local population residing in small predominantly agricultural based rural villages have not benefited in the same way. There has also been an influx of migrant workers to the area seeking work in the industrial estates. The presence of these migrant workers has created employment opportunities for the rural population through the establishment of small businesses such as warung (food and goods stalls), kost (room rentals) or by operating ojek (motor bike taxis). The rural population has also been affected by the social interactions with migrant workers. This thesis examines the impacts and implications of migrant workers on Karawang by examining the spatial, social and financial interactions between migrant workers and the local rural population. My research intends to find answers to how have the migrant workers have had an impact on the local rural population in Karawang and their villages, and what sorts of transformations have occurred in Karawang as a result of the industrial developments. This thesis explores how the presence of these migrant workers is changing the livelihood patterns and lifestyles of the local rural population in enabling their agrarian transition.

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