UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Efficient decoding and application of rateless codes AbdulHussein, Ali


Fountain codes have recently gained wide attention in the communications research community due to their capacity-approaching performance and rateless properties that allow them to seamlessly adapt to unknown channel statistics. This thesis of fers two key contributions. For the first, we consider the problem of low complexity decoding of Luby Transform (LT) and Raptor codes, which are classes of Fountain codes. We introduce a decoding method which has a significantly reduced compu tational load compared to the commonly used alternative of message-reset decoding with a flooding schedule. This method combines the recently proposed technique of informed dynamic scheduling combined with incremental decoding. Simulation re sults for the example of the binary symmetric channel show complexity reductions (in terms of the total required number of decoding iterations) by 87% compared to conventional message-passing decoding and 54% compared to a recently proposed incremental decoding scheme for Raptor codes. Having proposed our novel decoding method, we then focus on applying rateless codes to free-space optical (FSO) transmission systems. FSO systems enable high speed communication with relatively small deployment costs. However, FSO systems suffer a critical disadvantage, namely susceptibility to fog, smoke, and similar con ditions. A possible solution to this dilemma is the use of hybrid systems employing FSO and radio frequency (RF) transmission. As for the second contribution of this thesis, we propose the application of rateless coding for such hybrid FSO/RF sys tems. The advantages of our approach are (i) the full utilization of available FSO and RF channel resources at any time and (ii) very little feedback from the receiver. In order to substantiate these claims, we establish the pertinent capacity limits for hybrid FSO/RF transmission and present simulation results for transmission with off-the-shelf Raptor codes, which achieve realized rates close to these limits under a wide range of channel conditions.

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