UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A new method for characterizing spindle radial error motion : a two-dimensional point of view Jamalian, Arash


This thesis presents a new two dimensional (2D) method based on complex Fourier series to characterize spindle radial error motions. One subtlety of spindle metrology is that the radial motion measurements have an undesired component caused by the ball installation eccentricity. The current standard methods cannot distinguish between this undesired component and fundamental radial error motion of spindle. The new 2D method identifies what fundamental radial error motion is and how it can be distinguished from the test ball installation eccentricity. Current standard methods give the consequence of radial error motion in two classes of spindle applications, but not the radial error motion itself. By identifying the fundamental radial error motion, the 2D method can not only determine the axis of rotation radial error motion, but also the consequence of error motion in all classes of spindle applications, including a new class of applications with two radial sensitive directions. Experiments are carried out on two types of spindles to confirm that fundamental radial error motion not only exists but it can have a magnitude higher than any other error motion component. The 2D method is used to find the actual radial error motion of the spindles as well as the consequence of error motion in applications. Possible physical causes of the fundamental error motion are also discussed and experiments are carried out to identify their actual effect on the spindles under test.

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