UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Transcripción paleográfica y critíca del mas 11017 de Trinity College, Dublin : La Regla de San Benito Pajuelo, Carlos Antonio


The manuscript Trinity College, Dublin, MS 11017 (la Regla de San Benito—the Rule of St. Benedict) is one of the rare and unpublished medieval Hispanic codices to be found outside of Spain. At the moment it does not appear in any reference books or codex manuals. This codex was dedicated to the abbess of the monastery of Trasobares, in Aragon, Spain, and was translated from Late Latin to medieval Aragonese Spanish. According to Trinity College Library, Dublin, it dates to the year ca. 1450. During the Middle Ages, the existence of the Rule was crucial in the foundation of numerous Benedictine monasteries, which played a fundamental role in the expansion of Christianity across Europe. These monasteries also helped in the preservation and continuity of knowledge that came from Ancient Greece and Rome. The paleographic transcription of the codex MS. 11017 will be the main goal of this thesis. The study is divided in four chapters: the introduction, the research methodology, the study of the codex, and the paleographic transcription. The introduction includes: a historical context of Benedictine monasticism, a brief biography of Benedict of Nursia, a summary of the history and development of the Rule until the XIII century and a brief study of Spanish medieval monasticism until the writing of MS. 11017. The second part of this thesis will deal with the methodological approach for studying and transcribing the codex. The third chapter will thoroughly examine the different characteristics, the structure of the manuscript and the methods used for its edition. Finally, the last chapter will be the paleographic transcription of MS. 11017. This thesis will incorporate preliminary studies conducted by researchers and scholars of Benedict of Nursia and his rule, as well as contemporary versions of the Rule in Latin, Spanish, English and French. The study and transcription of MS. 11017 will be of great interest to individuals who wish to understand and expand their medieval monastic knowledge through the interdisciplinary study of its history, content and textual analysis, as well as the formation of pre-modern vernacular languages.

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