UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Generalized modeling of metal cutting mechanics Kaymakci, Mustafa


Metal cutting is the most commonly used manufacturing process for producing parts with final dimensions. The aim of engineering science is to model the physics of the process which allows the simulation of part machining operations ahead of costly trials. There is a need to develop generalized models of cutting process which is applicable to various tool geometries and cutting processes in order to simulate machining of industrial parts in virtual environment. This thesis presents a generalized mathematical model which can be used to predict turning, drilling, boring and milling processes. The tool geometry is adopted from ISO 13399 standards. The rake face of the tool is mathematically modeled from ISO13399 model by considering tool geometry, engagement with the workpiece, feed and speed directions of cutting motion. Various geometric features of the tool, such as chamfer, nose radius, and cutting edge angles, are considered in developing coordinate transformation models between the machine motion and tool coordinate systems. The cutting forces on the rake face are defined in the direction of chip flow and per-pendicular to the rake face. The cutting force coefficients in the two directions are either identified mechanistically by conducting experiments specific to the tool geometry, or using orthogonal to oblique transformation of shear angle, average friction angle and shear stress. The friction and normal forces on the rake face are transformed to both stationary and rotating tool coordinate systems defined on the machine tool.

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