UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Analysis of the facility options for the Vancouver South Transfer Station Mayhew, Doreann Leah


This thesis reviews five options for upgrading the Vancouver South Transfer Station (“VSTS”) to meet Vancouver’s solid waste management requirements over the next 15 years. Examining the role of the VSTS was based on Metro Vancouver’s proposed changes to the existing 1999 Solid Waste Management Plan and resulting uncertainty related to garbage disposal in the Region. This thesis consisted of reviewing operational requirements for VSTS. A base case financial model for each scenario was developed to assess financial impacts in terms of annual total costs to Vancouver and potential net revenues. The results of the base financial analysis was subjected to sensitivity analysis to determine which variables have the greatest impact on the financial outcomes. Based on the sensitivity analysis, a risk analysis was completed. The results of the base case financial evaluation show that Vancouver’s best financial alternative is to limit residential access to VSTS (Scenario 3). Further, based on the risk analysis restricting access to the VSTS remains the preferred financial alternative. A qualitative analysis of the scenarios was conducted for factors that could not be expressed financially, but influence the overall conclusions and recommendations. Based on a comparison of the qualitative factors, closing the facility (Scenario 4) has the greatest negative impact. Comparatively, building a new facility would have the greatest positive impact (Scenario 1 (a) and Scenario 2). Recommendations that arise from this thesis are that Vancouver should continue to dispose of Vancouver origin waste at the VSTS. Closing the facility would result in increased environmental impacts and financial costs of hauling waste to the Vancouver Landfill. Based on the ongoing uncertainty related to solid waste regional planning decisions related to upgrading the facility should not be finalized at this time. Further, Vancouver should use VSTS to the maximum extent possible by restricting access to residential customers. Vancouver should also investigate the opportunity to provide large item pickup to ratepayers. This would assist in reducing negative impacts resulting from restricting access and could also reduce the need for residents to use VSTS on a frequent basis.

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