UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Reconstructing multicultural counselling competency : construct explication approach Minami, Masahiro


This conceptual study aimed at refining the conceptual rigor of D. W. Sue’s tricomponential model of multicultural counselling competency, and enhancing with an addition of new attitude component. This study anchored its theoretical basis on a concept of nomological network (Cronbach & Meehi, 1955). Construct explication approach (Murphy & Davidshofer, 1998) was taken to develop full explication of four componential model of MCC, containing attitude-awareness-knowledge-skills components. Comprehensive literature review was conducted in the area of multicultural counselling competency to develop working definitions of awareness-knowledge-skills component. Another review was conducted to develop a working definition and a conceptual model of attitude. Under the four-componential framework, a total of 284 characteristic descriptions previously developed under the tricomponential model were conceptually re-examined and re-categorized. Result of the analyses revealed a total of 13 subcategories under the four components. Full construct explication of the four componential model was developed. Research implications of the new model to MCC measurement studies and practical applications to training models will be discussed.

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