UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Capturing fast motion with consumer grade unsynchronized rolling-shutter cameras Chen, Xing


Motion capture plays an important role in a wide range of fields including film production, game industry, sports analysis and medicine. However, commercial optical motion capture systems are expensive due to their reliance on high speed high resolution cameras and accurate shutter synchronization. In the thesis, we present a technique based on continuous video exposure and stereo streak matching to do motion capture with a low cost, simple, portable and scalable setup of consumer grade cameras and LED markers. Neither shutter synchronization nor global shutters are required for geometric calibration and motion reconstruction. The system is presented in four stages, camera calibration and synchronization, streak segmentation and 2-D track extraction, stereo track matching and multi-view fusing. The system is qualitatively demonstrated through capturing human motion and fan spinning motion, and quantitatively evaluated by motions with known spatial trajectory and the rigidity of rigid moving objects.

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