UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An effective solution for bluetooth adhoc networking Jia, Sijun


Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed ISM frequencies with a spread spectrum and frequency hopping, and it has the features such as robustness, low power consumption and low cost. Therefore, Bluetooth has been supported on the most number of devices of various types. Bluetooth connection is defined as in Piconet which has limits on range and the number of devices, so many researches have been done to connect more devices across longer ranges with Bluetooth, but there has not been an effective solution so far due to the protocol limitation, device versatility and mobility. In this thesis, we designed and implemented such a solution based on Piconet topology, existing Internet and adhoc networking protocols. In our solution, networking is performed on a high and abstract layer, so devices with different hardware or operating systems can join the network by installing a program without low level system change. We adjusted and implemented the standard Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol for IEEE 802.11 in our system to support route discovery and maintenance in Bluetooth network. We also used techniques such as pre-warm and redundant routes to improve the performance and robustness of the network. Our system support scalable peer to peer networking without any centralized controls. We tested our solution on real devices and on device emulators in large scale, and the result showed the system can form Bluetooth network efficiently in a scalable way.

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