UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Spatial trend prefetching for online maps mashups Zhang, Jun


Mashups try to merge some specific information together with online maps application by displaying related markers onto maps. Sometimes markers will be displayed very slowly. In this thesis, we have presented an approach to improve the performance of related applications by reducing network latency for those responses. We use Spatial Trend Web Prefetching Model to predict the areas which can be possibly arrived at after next movements. We classified movements into three patterns. Then this model will check history operations done by a specific user, find possible pattern he may be following and then predict next possible operations for the user according to the specific algorithm responding to that pattern. In our experiments done for lab environment (Nearby Cities application) and Internet environment (Skype-Google Map application), we can see that our approach can achieve hit rate of about 85% when movement interval is not less than l000ms and larger than 30% when movement interval is less than l000ms.

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