UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Seismic design of industrial rack clad buildings Haque, A. B. M. Rafiqul


Rack clad building (RCB) is a type of warehouse building system built using steel storage racks. Generally, these structures are larger and taller compared to regular storage racks commonly seen in superstores. These are built in a way that the peripheral frame can be used to support cladding. These structures possess some unique properties such as the members are built using thin walled perforated steel sections and the beam column joints utilizes teardrop connector in down isle direction. The hysteretic behavior of these connections is usually pinched type. Due to these properties the structure shows unique behavior under lateral loading. Until now very little research work has been carried out to determine the seismic performance of these structures. As RCB is a new type of structure, there exists no guideline in the current building codes for designing these structures against seismic loading. Here, a force and a direct displacement based design (DDBD) procedure have been adapted for designing RCB structures in the down isle direction. Finally, the performances of RCB frames designed under these two different methods have been compared and an optimum design method has been recommended for such type of structures.

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