UBC Graduate Research

Making spaces : bicycle storage in multi-unit residential buildings on the University of British Columbia campus Smith, Cail


This project, Bike Storage Facilities in UBC Residental Buildings, is a student-led university collaboration with the SEEDS Sustainability Program, Campus and Community Planning, UBC Properties Trust, and Polygon Homes. The E3 Eco Group also participated in this project on behalf of UBC Properties Trust and Polygon Homes. This project is intended to: 1. Determine bicycle storage demand in study buildings; 2. Suggest design and facilities management options for Class I & II bicycle storage; and, 3. Generate UBC PT & Polygon specific recommendations as well as recommendations for updated REAP guidelines and UBC Development Handbook for Campus + Community Planning. To meet this objectives, four studies were completed at six buildings: 1. An occupancy study of Class I (secure indoor) bicycle parking; 2. A duration study of Class II (outdoor) bicycle parking; 3. A duration study of Class I storage; and, 4. A resident preference survey. Findings Based on these studies, Class I & Class II bicycle storage is not meeting residents needs and demand for bicycle parking exceeds supply. The majority of residents store their bicycles in common Class I storage rooms, however occupancy studies and the resident survey reveal these rooms are overcrowded, encouraging other residents to store their bicycles in a variety of other locations such as in their units, on their decks and in Class II parking near the building. Of bicycles in the common storage areas, approximately one-third were used regularly (once every two weeks or more); one-third were used occasionally (once every two months or more) and one-third not used during the study period. This means there could be the potential to increase cycling mode share on campus by encouraging more residents to cycle regularly and to increase storage room utilization by improving the management of these rooms. Recommendations UBC-specific recommendations (and general best practices guidelines) were created based on the data collected, best practice reviews and contextual analysis, including: • Common Class I storage should be located in visible locations and its capacity expanded through retrofits and parking minimums reflective of number of residents rather than number of units. • Class I bicycles lockers should meet best practices for Class I storage and be built exclusively for bicycle storage. • Class II storage should be located close to the building entrance and 25-50% of bicycle parking spaces should be covered. • Additional REAP credits should be awarded to buildings which support a bicycle share site, add bicycle lockers and include bicycle storage in the design of the unit or unit's deck. • Retrofitting should be done by allowing in-unit storage, adding bicycle lockers, and building bicycle cages in unused auto parking spaces. • UBC should expand the existing bicycle share system or bring an upgraded bicycle share system to campus. • To encourage residents to cycle, UBC should also upgrade on-road campus cycling facilities to match Dutch standards (ITCTI, 2007) or City of Vancouver AAA facilities guidelines (City of Vancouver, 2017). Implementing these recommendations will help developers meet resident demands and likely increase cycling mode share on campus. Disclaimer: “UBC SEEDS provides students with the opportunity to share the findings of their studies, as well as their opinions, conclusions and recommendations with the UBC community. The reader should bear in mind that this is a student project/report and is not an official document of UBC. Furthermore readers should bear in mind that these reports may not reflect the current status of activities at UBC. We urge you to contact the research persons mentioned in a report or the SEEDS Coordinator about the current status of the subject matter of a project/report.”

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