UBC Graduate Research

Liberating Landscapes : A Landscape Architecture approach to empowering women and girls through agency and education Hirji, Zahra


This project seeks to improve the physical environment of underutilized spaces within Karachi that can then change the behavioural patterns of how women are addressed and represented in urban planning. It is essential to acknowledge the limitations of this project, as it cannot singularly offer a comprehensive solution to gender disparity and human behaviour. Nevertheless, it emphasizes the pivotal role of public spaces as foundational elements, providing a platform for the intersectionality of various disciplines like sociology, education, psychology, amongst many others, to collaboratively address broader societal issues. This project first aims to consider what it is about public spaces that make women feel unsafe in them, and how these issues can be addressed. It questions whether education and agency can empower women through the landscape, especially in a place like Karachi, which has political, religious, and societal pressures that suppress women. How can we as landscape architects use design to act as a catalyst for social change?

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