Open Collections

UBC Graduate Research

Liminal Space: The Transient Experience of the Architecturally Obsolete Ginter-Agreda, Julio


This project explores the concept of liminal space as understood within a cultural continuum of the Internet and the Digital Age. The first part closely examines the online memetic origins of liminal space pictures and theorizations of the uncanny. Given its proliferation on image boards and social media as an architectural mode of analyzing space, what follows is a detailed analysis of both the architecture of the spaces themselves and the architecture of the pictures which capture them. The second part examines the present-day zeitgeist around liminal space and its intentional spread through various mainstream forms, such as television series and videogames, and its unintentional spread within architectural practice. The goal is to establish a rigorous framework to conceptualize liminality not only as a retrospective form of analysis, but as a forward-thinking research lens which focuses on the obsolescence of space and picture as indications of contemporary architectural practice.

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