UBC Graduate Research

Water Quality in False Creek : For Policy Makers Cummings, Cassandra


This report was created as part of the Greenest City Scholar program, a coordinated effort between the University of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver to help the city reach its goals laid out in the Greenest City 2020 Action Plan, while providing invaluable opportunities for UBC students. This project, entitled “Understanding patterns of water quality and environmental health in False Creek”, relates to the Greenest City 2020 goal #6, “Access to Nature”. This project was broken down into 5 objectives: 1)! Determine the long-term spatial and temporal patterns of E. coli and fecal coliform concentrations in False Creek. 2)! Analyse environmental variables, and determine if any are correlated to E. coli or fecal coliform levels. 3)! Improve our understanding of the sources of E. coli in False Creek. 4)! Further our understanding of the relationship between the mid-channel and shoreline of False Creek. 5)! Collect water chemistry variables; therefore, increasing knowledge of False Creek and determining correlations to E. coli concentrations. Two approaches were undertaken to address these objectives. The first was to take a long-term perspective and examine patterns in data on E. coli and fecal coliform concentrations collected from shoreline sites by Metro Vancouver from 1993-2016, and examine possible correlations to environmental data. The second approach was first-hand research, with E. coli samples collected from False Creek, and water chemistry variables measured on site in July 2016.

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