UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Exploration of Germline Correlates and Risk of Immune-Related Adverse Events in Advanced Cancer Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Titmuss, Emma; Yu, Irene S.; Pleasance, Erin D.; Williamson, Laura M.; Mungall, Karen L.; Mungall, Andrew J.; Renouf, Daniel J.; Moore, Richard Atwood; Jones, Steven J. M.; Marra, Marco, 1966-; Laskin, Janessa; Savage, Kerry


Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are increasingly used in the treatment of many tumor types, and durable responses can be observed in select populations. However, patients may exhibit significant immune-related adverse events (irAEs) that may lead to morbidity. There is limited information on whether the presence of specific germline mutations may highlight those at elevated risk of irAEs. We evaluated 117 patients with metastatic solid tumors or hematologic malignancies who underwent genomic analysis through the ongoing Personalized OncoGenomics (POG) program at BC Cancer and received an ICI during their treatment history. Charts were reviewed for irAEs. Whole genome sequencing of a fresh biopsy and matched normal specimens (blood) was performed at the time of POG enrollment. Notably, we found that MHC class I alleles in the HLA-B27 family, which have been previously associated with autoimmune conditions, were associated with grade 3 hepatitis and pneumonitis (q = 0.007) in patients treated with combination PD-1/PD-L1 and CTLA-4 inhibitors, and PD-1 inhibitors in combination with IDO-1 inhibitors. These data highlight that some patients may have a genetic predisposition to developing irAEs.

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