UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Practicing and Presenting Social Research Robinson, Oral; Wilson, Alexander


This open-access textbook is for those who want to write exemplary social research. It provides an extensive outline of each step of the research process: outlining practical tools for conceptualizing its beginnings, generating proposals, getting ethics approval, relaxing from the stresses of research, writing academically, conducting a literature review, drafting a methods section, collecting the right data, formulating the findings, and sharing the results. Woven throughout each chapter are testimonies of other students who have likewise persevered through the research process, relating their obstacles, solutions, and motivations to each stage of the research process to illuminate not only the technical goals of research, but also the emotional maturity that research entails. OER Description: This sociology research methods textbook was developed to support lower and upper-level undergraduate students. Using mixed interactives, including testimonials, examples, summaries, research checklists, and critical thinking questions, this open educational resource supports students building skills in the research process. The most recent version of this OER can be found in the Open UBC Pressbooks Catalogue.

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