UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Perspectives from the Spinal Cord Injury Community with TeleSCI Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Qualitative Study Dean, Nikolaus A.; Marwaha, Arshdeep; Grasdal, Mark; Leong, Sarah; Mesa, Adam; Krassioukov, Andrei V.; Bundon, Andrea


Purpose: To explore individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) experiences with and perceptions towards teleSCI services during the COVID-19 global pandemic in British Columbia, Canada. Method: Using maximum variation sampling, we invited selected individuals from a larger quantitative dataset (n=71) to partake in an interview. In total, 12 individuals participated in the study. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Interview transcripts were then coded and analysed by team members using qualitative descriptive analysis. Results: Individuals with a SCI perceived teleSCI services to be convenient, accessible, affordable, and an effective way to access some healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in-person healthcare was still needed by many participants to effectively manage and treat their SCI associated secondary conditions. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that, in a post-pandemic world, the SCI community would benefit from blended models of healthcare delivery that leverage telecommunication technologies to increase accessibility to healthcare while still providing in-person care for assessments and treatments.

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