UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Structural modeling and ground motion selection for risk assessment of pre-Northridge welded steel moment frames Galvis, F. A.; Deierlein, G. G.; Molina Hutt, Carlos; Issa, O.; Baker, J. W.; Zsarnóczay, A.


Nonlinear response history analyses are the most reliable tool for quantifying the earthquake performance of structures and inform risk management decisions like acquiring insurance or planning a structural retrofit. Constructing these models requires assumptions about the structure and its earthquake hazard that are normally made based on a limited number of analyses or expert opinions. This paper summarizes a sensitivity study that systematically evaluates the effects of the most common assumptions for modeling pre-Northridge welded steel moment frames (WSMF) on robust risk metrics. These assumptions include choosing a connection modeling approach and defining the target parameters for ground motion selection and scaling. The results of this sensitivity study support practical recommendations for applying the full performance-based earthquake engineering framework as implemented in FEMA P58 to tall WSMF buildings.

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