UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Experimental Research Studies on Seismic Behaviour of Confined Masonry Structures: Current Status and Future Needs Pérez Gavilán Escalante, Juan Jose; Brzev, Svetlana, 1959-; Espinosa Cazarin, Eric Fernando; Ganzerli, Sara; Quiun, Daniel; Reiter, Matthew T.


Confined masonry (CM) is a construction system that consists of loadbearing masonry wall panels enclosed by vertical and horizontal reinforced concrete confining elements. The presence of these confining elements distinguishes CM from unreinforced masonry systems, and makes this technology suitable for building construction in regions subject to intense seismic or wind activity. CM construction has been used in many countries and regions, and has performed well in past earthquakes. The purpose of this paper is to review experimental research studies related to the seismic in-plane and out-of-plane behaviour of CM structures. The authors identify the key design and construction parameters considered in previous research studies and perform statistical analyses to establish their influence on the seismic performance of CM walls. For the purposes of this study, the authors compiled databases of previous experimental studies on CM wall specimens, which were used for statistical analyses. Finally, the paper discusses research gaps and the need for future research studies that would contribute to the understanding of seismic behaviour and failure mechanisms of CM walls.

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