UBC Faculty Research and Publications

An examination of Dweck’s psychological needs model in relation to exercise-related well-being Wierts, Colin M.; Zumbo, Bruno D.; Rhodes, Ryan E.; Faulkner, Guy E. J., 1970-; Beauchamp, Mark R. (Mark Robert), 1972-


This two-part study examined Dweck’s psychological needs model in relation to exercise-related well-2 being, and particularly focused on the basic need for optimal predictability, and compound needs for 3 identity and meaning. In Part 1 (N = 559), using exploratory factor analysis, scores derived from items 4 assessing optimal predictability (prediction of affect and instrumental utility in exercise) were 5 empirically distinct from scores derived from items assessing competence, relatedness, and autonomy. 6 In Part 2, participants from Part 1 (N = 403) completed measures of exercise-related well-being four 7 weeks after baseline assessment. Prediction of affect was the most consistent predictor of subsequent 8 exercise-related well-being. An implication of these findings is that optimal predictability (primarily 9 prediction of affect) represents a unique experience that may be necessary for thriving in the context of 10 exercise. Prediction of affect should be targeted in experimental designs to further understand its 11 relationship with exercise-related well-being.

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