UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Go Play Outside! : A web-based and in-person risk reframing intervention to influence mothers’ tolerance for, and parenting practices associated with, children’s outdoor risky play : Results of a randomized controlled trial Brussoni, Mariana; Han, Christina; Lin, Yingyi; Jacob, John; Pike, Ian, 1958-; Bundy, Anita; Faulkner, Guy E. J., 1970-; Gardy, Jennifer; Fisher, Brian; Mâsse, Louise C.


Background: Outdoor risky play, such as climbing, racing, and independent exploration, is an important part of childhood and is associated with various positive physical, mental, and developmental outcomes for children. Parental attitudes and fears, particularly mothers’, are a major deterrent to children’s opportunities for outdoor risky play. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of 2 versions of an intervention to reframe mothers’ perceptions of risk and change parenting behaviors: a web-based intervention or an in-person workshop, compared with the control condition.