UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Will the Effects of COVID-19 on Commuting and Daily Activities of the University Students Be Maintained? Evidence from a Small Town in Sicily Campisi, Tiziana; Nahiduzzaman, Kh Md; Nikiforiadis, Andreas; Stamatiadis, Nikiforos; Basbas, Socrates


As many studies have already shown, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on the daily routines of people all over the world. University students form one of the most affected groups of people, since they have had to interrupt many of the activities that they usually perform, and have also had to get used to a new way of learning (e-learning). An important question that now arises is whether the changes that were identified within the pandemic period are to be maintained when the risk of being infected is eliminated. To this end, 537 university students of the Kore University of Enna, Italy, were surveyed. Their responses are analyzed descriptively, and an ordinal regression model is being developed to shed more light on the likelihood of retaining changes related with to transport mode choice. The results show that the likelihood of retaining all the changes when commuting and during daily activities is very high, demonstrating such willingness from the participants. Moreover, it has been shown that public transport has increased the probability of people being negatively affected by the pandemic in the long-term, and opportunities appear for increasing the modal share of active modes.

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