UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Analysis of Water Deer Roadkills Using Point Process Modeling in Chungcheongnamdo, South Korea Jang, Woongsoon; Kim, Bongkyun; Chung, Ok-Sik; Lee, Jong Koo


The expansion of road networks and increased traffic loads have resulted in an increase in the problem of wildlife roadkill, which has a serious impact on both human safety and the wildlife population. However, roadkill data are collected primarily from the incidental sighting, thus they often lack the true-absence information. This study aims to identify the factors associated with Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis) roadkill in Korea using the point processing modeling (PPM) approach. Water deer roadkill point data were fitted with explanatory variables derived from forest cover type, topography, and human demography maps and an animal distribution survey. Water deer roadkill showed positive associations with road density, human population density, road width, and water deer detection point density. Slope and elevation showed negative associations with roadkill. The traffic volume and adjacent water deer population may be the major driving factors in roadkill events. The results also imply that the PPM can be a flexible tool for developing roadkill mitigation strategy, providing analytical advantages of roadkill data, such as clarification of model specification and interpretation, while avoiding issues derived from a lack of true-absence information.

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